DLGA statement on today’s second impeachment of the president

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association’s Chair, Michigan Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, released the following statement regarding today’s second impeachment of President Donald Trump.

“As Americans, we expect our elected officials to be honest, lead by example, and follow the same laws

that are required of all of us. When they fail to uphold those values, they should be held accountable.

Today, Congress upheld their duty when they did the right thing: impeaching President Trump for

violating his oath of office when he incited a violent attack against our democracy. The American people

deserve a leader who will bring us together, not divide us, especially during times of crisis. We look

forward to the day President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are inaugurated, so

that our nation’s healing process can begin.”

The DLGA is an independent voluntary political organization that provides resources and policy assistance to candidates in their campaigns for lieutenant governor. The DLGA is proud to support current Democratic Lieutenant Governors in 22 states and 2 U.S. territories.


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