DLGA statement on today’s attack on democracy

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association’s Chair, Michigan Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, released the following statement regarding today’s assault at the US Capitol.

“Over the last four years, our democracy has been tried and challenged like never before by a president who acts more like a superspreader of hate and division than a commander-in-chief. Today’s attack on our nation’s Capital is a graphic reminder that actions and words have consequences, and that silence and complicity can be just as dangerous. Due to a vacuum of leadership in the White House, we have experienced some of the darkest days that our nation has seen in a very long time, but I believe that the sun will rise again.

“The terror on display today is not representative of the America that our hopeful, optimistic parents and grandparents worked so hard to build, that immigrants across the globe flocked toward, or that our children will dream about tonight. How we respond will determine whether our generation will carry forward the light of democracy. In two weeks, our nation will inaugurate new leaders in President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, who will stand tall and bring us together at a time when our country needs it the most. It’s on all of us to prove to the world that these United States of America can never be divided.”

The DLGA is an independent voluntary political organization that provides resources and policy assistance to candidates in their campaigns for lieutenant governor. The DLGA is proud to support current Democratic Lieutenant Governors in 22 states and 2 U.S. territories.


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