DLGA statement on primary night in Virginia

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association released the following statement regarding tonight’s Primary Election in Virginia.

“Congratulations to Delegate Hala Ayala on her Primary victory tonight in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Her historic candidacy has the energy and excitement that will help all Democrats statewide be successful in November. We are excited to work with Hala and her team to make sure Virginia continues the progress it has made over the last eight years,” said DLGA Chair Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II of Michigan.

DLGA Executive Director Roshan Patel added, “Delegate Ayala has the background and experience Virginia needs in its next Lt. Governor. She ran an incredible campaign in a Primary Election full of great candidates. We are excited to work with Hala and her team to make sure we keep Virginia blue this November.”

The DLGA is an independent voluntary political organization that provides resources and policy assistance to candidates in their campaigns for Lieutenant Governor. The DLGA is proud to support current Democratic Lieutenant Governors in 22 states and 3 U.S. territories.


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