DLGA statement on president Joe Biden’s day one executive orders

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association’s Chair, Michigan Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, released the following statement regarding President Biden’s Executive Orders announced on the first day of his Presidency.

“After four years of chaos, our nation can breathe a collective sigh of relief with the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris,” Lt. Governor Gilchrist said. “As our nation is in the midst of some of our greatest challenges, we know that President Biden will meet these challenges head-on with the honor, integrity, and trust that we deserve from our nation’s highest office. Almost immediately after taking office, President Biden got to work to make our nation a leader again as we work to eradicate COVID-19, support families by providing additional economic relief, tackle climate change, and begin the much-needed racial healing across our country. President Joe Biden has made it clear that our Democratic values are American values, and the Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association looks forward to working closely with the new administration to make our states stronger. Now, let’s get to work!”

The DLGA is an independent voluntary political organization that provides resources and policy assistance to candidates in their campaigns for lieutenant governor. The DLGA is proud to support current Democratic Lieutenant Governors in 22 states and 2 U.S. territories.


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