DLGA statement on the leaked SCOTUS ‘draft opinion’ of Roe vs Wade

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association (DLGA) released the following statement regarding the leaked Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade.

“The leaked “draft opinion” of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade is an attack on women’s rights. As a nurse, this is a clear and present danger for the health of all women and their right to make decisions about their own bodies, plain and simple,” said DLGA Chair Bethany Hall-Long (DE). This is not progress. If this opinion is issued, it will be the biggest setback for women’s rights, both reproductive and personal, in 50 years.

Added DLGA Executive Director Roshan Patel, “America’s Democratic Lieutenant Governors will continue to push back on the Republican assault on women and families. With 32 Lt. Governors’ elections this November, we will be ready to defend each state and grow the ranks of Lt. Governors that put women and families first.”

The DLGA is an independent voluntary political organization that provides resources and policy assistance to candidates in their campaigns for lieutenant governor. The DLGA is proud to support current Democratic Lieutenant Governors in 21 states and 3 U.S. territories.


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